(First revision 8/17/2020. Second revision 12/23/2020, based on small stylistic changes, and adding a new introductory paragraph and a paragraph about a 2018 study by Segal and colleagues)
By Jay Joseph, Psy.D.
In this article I will argue that studies using the "classical twin method" should be abandoned in the social and behavioral sciences. I will attempt to show that the main assumption these studies are based on is false—an argument I have developed in books, peer-reviewed articles, and online articles since 1998.
Twin studies
supply the "scientific evidence" most often cited in support of the claim that
human behavioral differences are strongly influenced by heredity. Yet genetic
interpretations of twin studies of behavior, including areas such as IQ,
personality, criminality (antisocial behavioral), schizophrenia, and depression
are based on the acceptance of highly questionable or even false assumptions. I am compelled to keep writing
about this because these studies have not gone away, despite the critics’
airtight arguments that they should have gone away a long time ago.
Some people argue
that recent molecular genetic research, including studies based on the "polygenic
score" (PGS) method, has rendered the twin study critique obsolete. Others
argue that the "validity of twin studies" debate was settled decades ago in
favor of twin studies. However, although behavioral and psychiatric gene discovery claims have been
appearing since the 1960s, they rarely if ever hold up. (Problems
with the PGS method are discussed HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.) Based on a
half century of false-alarm behavioral gene discovery claims, the appropriate
reaction to new claims should be extreme skepticism and caution. In part because "heritability estimates" produced by twin research guide molecular genetic research, the far-from-settled
twin study debate is more important than ever.[1]
The two main
methods that use twins for behavioral research purposes have produced:
1. Thousands of publications based on the classical twin method (usually referred
to as the "twin method," and sometimes as the "classic twin design," or CTD),
which uses reared-together MZ (monozygotic, identical) and reared-together
same-sex DZ (dizygotic, fraternal) twins.
Six published twins reared apart or "TRA" studies (also known as "separated twin
studies"), which study MZ (and sometimes DZ) twins who supposedly were (but in most cases weren't) separated at birth and reared apart
from each other in different family environments. Problem areas in these studies are described HERE, HERE,
and HERE.
The twin
method, which is the subject of the present review, compares the behavioral
resemblance, concordance rates, or psychological test score correlations of MZ
versus same-sex DZ pairs. MZ
pairs are said to share a 100% genetic resemblance, whereas DZ pairs are said to share an average 50% genetic
resemblance.[2] Twin method results usually show that MZ pairs behave more similarly, or
correlate higher on psychological tests, than do same-sex DZ pairs at a
statistically significant level—a finding I will designate "rMZ > rDZ," or more simply, "MZ > DZ." Genetic interpretations of
MZ > DZ are based on twin researchers' acceptance of the "equal environment
assumption," which is the main focus of this article.
The Twin
Method’s Crucial "Equal Environment Assumption"(EEA)
As seen in
Figure 1, genetic interpretations of behavioral twin studies depend on the
acceptance of several key assumptions. An assumption is something taken for
granted or accepted as true without proof. Whether an assumption is true or
false can completely change the findings of a study.

Although Assumptions
2-4 in Figure 1 are not always fulfilled (Assumption 5 will be discussed later), and although critics have
highlighted numerous twin method problems and biases relating to sampling,
diagnosis, zygosity determination, tests used, the use of age-correction
methods, researcher genetic bias, and so on, here I will focus on the MZ-DZ "equal environment assumption," also known as
the "EEA," which is by far the most controversial twin method assumption (the
red Assumption 6 in Figure 1). According to the EEA, MZ and DZ pairs grow up
experiencing roughly equal environments, and the only behaviorally relevant factor
distinguishing these pairs is their differing degree of genetic relationship to each other (100% versus an average 50%). As
one group of twin researchers correctly observed, the EEA "is crucial to
everything that follows from twin research."[3]
From the twin
method's inception in 1924 until the mid-1960s, twin researchers
assumed—without adding any qualifying statements—that MZ and same-sex DZ pairs grow
up experiencing roughly equal environments. To cite one example of this "traditional" EEA definition, in 1967 schizophrenia twin researcher Einar Kringlen wrote:
"The basic underlying assumption for the
classical twin method is, of course, that environmental conditions of
monozygotic twins do not differ from those of dizygotic twins."[4]
Critics argue that the EEA as it relates to behavioral
twin studies is obviously false, since when compared with same-sex DZ pairs, MZ
pairs grow up experiencing
Much more similar treatment by parents and
Much more similar physical and social
More similar treatment by society due to
their sharing a very
similar physical appearance
Identity confusion and a much stronger level
of emotional attachment
I put together a table showing the results of studies that assessed levels of identity confusion and psychological attachment experienced by MZ and DZ pairs (seen HERE), and far from being "equal," levels of identify confusion and attachment are much higher among MZ pairs than among DZ pairs.
Since the
mid-1960s, research and common sense have converged on the conclusion that MZ
pairs grow up experiencing much more similar environments, and are treated much
more similarly, than are DZ pairs. In a 2014 article (ironically) written in
defense of the twin method and the EEA, for example, criminology twin
researcher J. C. Barnes and colleagues recognized, "Critics of twin research
have correctly pointed out that MZ twins tend to have more environments in
common relative to DZ twins, including parental treatment…closeness with one
another…belonging to the same peer networks…being enrolled in the same
classes…and being dressed similarly."[5]
This means
that twin researchers and their critics don't have to argue anymore about
whether MZ and DZ environments are different, since almost everyone now agrees
that they are different. Twin
researchers nevertheless continue to maintain that the EEA is valid based on four arguments, which I describe and deconstruct below.
Both sides
of the debate predict that a behavioral twin study will produce a finding of MZ
> DZ. The controversy centers on how we should interpret MZ > DZ. Twin
researchers and the popularizers of their work argue in favor of a genetic
interpretation, whereas critics often argue (1) that MZ > DZ can be
explained largely or entirely by environmental influences, or (2) that MZ >
DZ is uninterpretable, because the twin method is unable to disentangle the
potential behavior-shaping influences of genes and environments.
critique/analysis applies to typical MZ-DZ comparisons, as well as to
modern twin studies based on more sophisticated "biometrical model fitting" statistical procedures. In both cases, researchers assume that MZ and DZ
environments do not differ.
Four Arguments that Fail
Faced with
the reality of unequal MZ and DZ
environments, since the 1960s twin researchers have defended the validity of
the EEA based mainly on one or more of the following four arguments. I have
called these "Argument A," "Argument B," "Argument C," and "Argument D." Respectively, these are the "twins create their environments," "trait-relevant," "assumption violations cancel
each other out in favor of heritability," and the "MZ correlations are similar whether
twins are reared together or apart" arguments. Let's briefly review these arguments and the main
fallacies each is based on. This will be followed by a brief discussion of the "EEA-test" study literature.
Argument A: "Twins Create Their Environments"
researchers using Argument A
recognize that MZ pairs grow up experiencing more similar environments than
experienced by DZ pairs, but they maintain that the EEA is valid because MZ
pairs "create" or "elicit" more similar environments and parental treatment for
themselves because they behave more similarly for genetic reasons. Therefore,
they argue, environmental influences on twins' behavioral similarity should be
counted as genetic influences.
One of many
examples of Argument A is found in an
article published in 2000 by genetic researchers writing in support of the "validity of twin studies."[6] Although they recognized that "there is overwhelming evidence that MZ twins are
treated more similarly than their DZ counterparts,"
"…the more similar parental treatment of MZ vs. DZ twins
occurs in response to the greater
similarity of actions initiated by MZ pairs.…It seems…likely that the
increased similarity in treatment of MZ twins is a consequence of their genetic
identity and the more similar responses this elicits from the environment" (italics in original).[7]
Argument A,
however, is a circular one because the conclusion that genetic factors explain MZ
> DZ is based on a premise that assumes the very same thing—a premise based largely on genetic
interpretations of previous twin studies. Twin researchers invoking Argument A, therefore, fallaciously refer to the
genetic premise in support of the genetic conclusion, and then refer back to
the genetic conclusion in support of the genetic premise, in a circular loop of
faulty reasoning. One observer wrote that circular reasoning is "empty
reasoning in which the conclusion rests on an assumption whose validity is
dependent on the conclusion."[8] The
circular nature of Argument A is seen
in Figure 2.
We see that Argument A uses genetic interpretations
of previous twin studies as evidence supporting genetic interpretations of subsequent
twin studies. The twin method validates itself!
Furthermore, Argument A makes little sense, since it portrays twins as being able to create their environments on the basis
of their inherited behavioral tendencies, while simultaneously portraying parents as supposedly possessing an amazing ability
to override their own behavioral tendencies
by responding to their children's genetic differences. Even in this mythical
parent-child "Battle of the Genes," the family environments created by the
parents will still prevail because parents possess power and authority in
addition to their rigid behavioral blueprints, and because they have
experienced many more years of behavior-shaping events. Twins would be largely
unable to "create" their family environments for the simple reason that they
would be no match for the genetically driven behavior of their parents.
Argument A fails
because it is a sleight-of-hand "heads I win, tails you lose" circular argument that twin researchers cannot lose, because they count both the "nature" and "nurture" sides of the
behavioral coin as nature (genetic).
Argument B: "Trait-Relevant" Environmental
researchers using Argument B also
recognize that MZ pairs experience more similar environments than DZ pairs, but
claim that the EEA remains valid until critics are able to identify the "trait-relevant" aspects of the environment that cause MZ pairs to behave more
similarly. An example of the Argument B
definition of the EEA is found in a 1993 publication by psychiatric genetic
twin researcher Kenneth Kendler and colleagues:
"The traditional twin method, as well as more recent
biometrical models for twin analysis, are predicated on the equal-environment
assumption (EEA)—that monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins are equally
correlated for their exposure to environmental influences that are of
etiologic relevance to the trait under study" (italics added).[9]
It appears
that Argument B was first put forward
by twin researcher Irving Gottesman (1930-2016) in a 1966 twin study of
personality. Gottesman redefined the traditional definition of the EEA by
inserting one italicized qualifying term into it, now writing that the twin
method was based on the assumption "that the average intrapair differences in trait-relevant environmental factors are
substantially the same for both MZ and DZ twins" (italics in original).[10] This subtle change in definition allowed twin researchers to continue their
work, not because they had determined that MZ and DZ environments were equal,
but because they could now bypass the obviously false equal environment
assumption as it had been defined up to that point.[11] Theoretical sleight of hand, once again.
of Argument B attempt to shift the
burden of proof from themselves onto critics for showing that MZ and DZ pairs
differ in their exposure to "trait-relevant" environmental factors. According
to Kendler and other leading psychiatric genetic twin researchers, "It would
seem that the burden of proof rests with critics of the twin method to
demonstrate that 'trait-relevant' environmental factors are more similar for
identical than same-sex fraternal twins."[12]
A basic
principle of science, however, is that the burden of proof falls squarely on
the people making a claim, not on their critics. Therefore, given that they
recognize that MZ and DZ environments are different, behavioral twin
researchers using Argument B—and not
their critics—are required to identify the specific
and exclusive trait-relevant environmental factors involved in the
behavioral characteristic or psychiatric disorder in question. After
accomplishing this, they then must show (1) that MZ and DZ twins did not
experience such factors, or (2) that MZ and DZ twins experienced such factors
to roughly the same degree. In most cases, behavioral twin researchers have
been unable to identify specific and exclusive "trait-relevant" environmental
factors. Until they are able to identify such factors, and until they are able
to subsequently determine that MZ and DZ pairs were similarly exposed (or not
exposed) to these factors, Argument B
defenses of the EEA fail completely.[13]
Argument C: Violations of the "Random
Mating" and "Equal Environment" Assumptions Cancel Each Other Out in Favor of
A third Argument C defense of the EEA is that violations
of the "random mating" assumption (Assumption 5 in Figure 1; sometimes called
the "no assortative mating assumption"), and violations of the EEA, roughly
cancel each other out in favor of genetics and "heritability." Supporters of Argument C claim that, whereas unequal
MZ and DZ environments might lead to an overestimation
of heritability, the existence of non-random mating patterns among the parents
of twins leads to an underestimation
of heritability. Non-random (assortative) mating has been defined as "the tendency for people to choose
mates who are more similar (positive) or dissimilar (negative) to themselves in
phenotype characteristics than would be expected by chance." Argument C was put forward by Barnes and
colleagues in 2014, and was taken up by IQ hereditarian Charles Murray in his 2020 book Human Diversity. Murray "summed up" the argument as follows:
"Twin studies have come under criticism for overstating
the role of genes. The reality is that violations of the random mating
assumption are common and lead to modest understatement of the role of genes,
whereas violations of the equal environments assumption have even more modest
effects in the other direction and are uncommon. Overall, heritability as
estimated by twin studies appears to be accurate, with errors tending on net to
slightly underestimate heritability rather than overestimate it."[14]
To identify only one of several problems with
this argument, let's suppose that the environmental null hypothesis—which states that
there are no genes for behavior—is true. In this case mating patterns would
have no direct genetic influence on human behavior, and MZ > DZ would be
completely caused by non-genetic factors. The claim that non-random mating
patterns lead to a "modest understatement of the role of genes" circularly
assumes in advance that the environmental null hypothesis is false. A twin
study, however, is an experiment designed to test whether the environmental null hypothesis is false. The findings of
this experiment cannot be based on a built-in assumption that it is false, especially
since this assumption, once again, is based largely on genetic interpretations
of previous twin studies. Theoretical
sleight of hand scores a hat trick.
Argument D: "MZ Twins Correlate Similarly
on Psychological Tests Regardless of Whether They Were Reared Together or Reared
The final argument
is based on the results of the tiny handful of TRA (twins reared apart) studies,
and the claim that MZ pairs behave similarly regardless of whether they were
reared together or reared apart. People making this claim argue that this
supports the EEA, because it shows that growing up in the same family does not
lead twins to behave more alike. However, the argument does not take into
account the numerous non-familial environmental factors that reared-together and reared-apart
twins both experience. More importantly, TRA studies are greatly flawed. The
massive flaws and major biases found in these studies, including the famous
Minnesota study, are described in detail HERE and HERE. As seen HERE, most MZ pairs found in TRA studies were only partially reared
apart. For these reasons, TRA study results cannot be used to
validate genetic interpretations of MZ > DZ.
Like the
first three arguments, Argument D
fails to support the EEA, and the only remaining relevant question in assessing
the EEA's validity is whether—not why—MZ and DZ environments are different.
The "EEA-Test" Studies
In a series
of "EEA-test" studies that have appeared since the late 1960s, researchers attempted to "test" the validity of the assumption
in ways other than the only way it
can be tested, which is the simple determination of whether MZ and DZ environments
are roughly equal—yes or no? If no, the EEA is false. It's that simple.
the starting point of most EEA-test publications is the recognition that MZ and
DZ childhood environments are not equal,
as researchers confirmed that MZ twins more often shared the same bedroom
growing up, had common friends, were dressed alike, attended school together,
and so forth. In most cases, however, these researchers concluded that MZ pairs' greater environmental similarity did not constitute a major bias in twin
over 50 years of individual EEA-test studies would be as tedious and dull for
me to write about (again) as it would be for most of you to read. For those who
dare, I refer you to Chapter 9 of my 2006 book The Missing Gene, and to a 1996 article by Alvin Pam and colleagues. Barnes and colleagues published their lengthy
defense of the EEA in 2014, which my colleagues and I answered in a 2015 publication.
Four Major Problem Areas
I now
briefly address four major problem areas in the EEA-test study literature. These
problems apply to the more recent EEA-test studies by Dalton Conley and
colleagues in 2013, Jacob Felson in 2014, and Nancy
Segal and colleagues in 2018. In general, EEA-test
1) Arbitrarily evaluate family
studies and twin studies very differently, even though both types of
studies compare groups experiencing different environments
2) Assume that most psychiatric genetic and behavioral
genetic assumptions, methods, techniques, and diagnoses are valid, when in fact
they are controversial
3) Focus narrowly on selected comparisons, while overlooking
the larger picture suggesting that MZ > DZ can be explained by environmental
4) Conduct studies that reproduce the major problems and
biases plaguing social and behavioral science research in general
Problem #1. When evaluating family
study data, behavioral geneticists drop the "trait-relevant" and "create
their own environment" arguments and simply recognize that "family studies by
themselves cannot disentangle genetic and environmental influences."[15] This is correct, but because MZ and DZ environments are different, the same conclusion holds true for twin
Problem #2. Most EEA-test researchers, including Conley, Felson,
and Segal, accepted as valid behavioral genetic assumptions, concepts, and
methods, even though most are problematic and controversial. These include "heritability estimates," variance-partitioning "model-fitting" techniques (and the many assumptions they are based
upon), "general intelligence" (IQ), and "personality." Psychiatric twin studies
assume that psychiatric disorders are valid discrete illnesses that can be
reliably diagnosed, a position that has been repeatedly challenged by critics. Even leading behavioral geneticists such as
Robert Plomin recognize that we will have to "tear up our diagnostic manuals
based on symptoms," because "there are no disorders to diagnose and there are
no disorders to cure."[16]
Problem #3. Although twin researchers
do not recognize it as such, nine decades of twin studies have produced the
greatest combined "test" of the EEA ever seen. These studies have consistently
shown that twin pairs experiencing similar environments and high levels of
identity confusion and attachment—MZs—behave much more alike than do pairs
experiencing less similar environments and lower levels of identity confusion
and attachment—DZs. The obvious conclusion in this EEA-test
study is that MZ > DZ can be explained on environmental (non-genetic)
Imagine that researchers
conduct studies to test their claim that the sun never shines on New York City.
They decide to perform their studies only between the hours of 11:00 pm and
3:00 am, and conclude that their findings support their claim. EEA-test studies
are based on a similar folly, because researchers focus narrowly on evidence
that they claim supports the EEA, while overlooking or denying the massive body
of evidence that contradicts this claim.
In Segal and colleagues' 2018 EEA-test study based on "genetically unrelated look-alike" pairs, the authors arrived at the astonishing conclusion that physical "appearance is not meaningfully related to personality similarity and social relatedness."[17] (Astonishing because, most often, common sense plus research from other fields provide a much better guide to understanding human beings than provided by dubious behavioral genetic "findings" and "laws.") The study is flawed on numerous grounds, and at best eliminates only one of over thirty environmental factors contributing to above-zero reared-together and reared-apart MZ behavioral correlations. The researchers' claim that their findings support a conclusion that "genetic influences on personality and self-esteem" does not follow from their supposed findings.
Problem #4. Cognitive neuroscientist Chris Chambers has described
several major problem areas in the research/publication process in psychology.[18] One of these is "hidden flexibility," which refers to researchers' ability to change various aspects of their study after reviewing their data, but
before submitting their paper for publication. Under the current system in
psychology, and presumably in other behavioral science areas as well, undetected "questionable research practices" may be common.[19]
The 2013 EEA-test study by sociologist Dalton Conley and
colleagues used the "misclassified twins" method of testing the EEA.[20] Conley and
colleagues concluded in favor of "the validity on the equal environment
assumption."[21] Like other EEA-test studies, the hidden flexibility problem in behavioral
research means that we have no way of knowing whether, after reviewing the
data, they conducted and described their study as originally planned. In his
2017 book The Genome Factor, Conley defended the twin method on
the basis of Argument A and Argument C.
Research findings and conclusions are often influenced by
confirmation bias, which is the tendency for people to search for,
interpret, favor, and publish/not publish information in ways that confirm
their preexisting beliefs, theories, or professional and financial interests. Most
EEA-test studies are subject to strong confirmation bias in the EEA-validating
direction (though not Conley's study, according to his account in The Genome Factor). Can we really expect
twin researchers to conclude in favor of the abandonment and invalidation of their
life's work?
Chambers called for the establishment of research "preregistration," which would require researchers to submit an
introduction, and their proposed methods, definitions, and analyses, before they collect data.[22] When in the future preregistration is a requirement in social and behavioral science research, it will become much easier to assess the soundness of this research, including the
EEA-test publications
Conclusion: It's Time to Abandon the Twin Method
MZ pairs behave much more similarly than DZ
pairs behave for just about everything—almost everyone now agrees on this point.[23] The key question is what causes this
to occur, and I am not aware of any valid argument in favor of a
genetic interpretation of MZ > DZ. As political scientist Evan Charney concluded
in 2013, "That twin studies generate results that even partisans of the methodology
acknowledge as absurd is further evidence that they are to many what they have
always seemed to be: an obviously confounded, unreliable methodology."[24]
The twin method is based on the assumption
that reared-together MZ and same-sex DZ twin pairs grow up experiencing equal
environments, even though most people—including most leading twin researchers—understand
that MZ and DZ environments are very different. Instead of abandoning the twin
method once unequal environments were acknowledged, as they should have, twin
researchers concocted illogical arguments that allowed them to continue their
work. Given the major social, political, and scientific implications of the common
claim that "most behavioral traits are moderately to highly heritable," it
borders on scientific scandal that authoritative social and behavioral science
texts, popular books, and media outlets continue to endorse unsupportable genetic
interpretations of MZ > DZ.
Because the classical twin method's equal
environment assumption is false, we must reject genetic interpretations of MZ
> DZ in behavioral twin studies past, present, and future, and the social
and behavioral sciences should abandon this research method without delay.
[1] I placed "heritability estimates" in quotation marks because, as a pair of critics wrote, "the term 'heritability,' as it is used today in human behavioral
genetics, is one of the most misleading in the history of science." (More on
the "heritability fallacy" HERE.)
[2] Many
previously accepted biological and genetic assumptions underlying twin research
may not be true, including the assumption that MZ pairs are 100% genetically
identical throughout their lives. See Charney, E., (2012), Behavior Genetics and Postgenomics, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 35, 331-358.
[4] Kringlen, E., (1967), Heredity and Environment in the
Functional Psychoses: An Epidemiological-Clinical Study, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, p.
[8] Reber, A. S., (1985), The Penguin
Dictionary of Psychology, London: Penguin, p. 123.
[11] By
inserting the term "trait-relevant" into the traditional EEA definition,
Gottesman overcame the sticky problem he had faced three years earlier in a
different twin study of personality. In this 1963 study, Gottesman recognized that the traditional
definition of the EEA, which he described as the assumption "that the
within-pair environmental variance is the same for the two types of twins," is "not necessarily true for the personality traits as measured by the tests." He
nonetheless decided to "proceed only on the assumption that such variance is
not too different for the two types of twins." Although Gottesman’s definition of the EEA
changed between 1963 and 1966, the differing environments experienced by MZ and
DZ pairs did not. See Gottesman, I. I., (1963), Heritability of Personality: A Demonstration,
Psychological Monographs, 77,
(9, whole volume 572), 1-21, p. 8.
[12] Lyons et al., (1991), "The Genetics of
Schizophrenia," in Tsuang et al., (Eds.), Genetic
Issues in Psychosocial Epidemiology (pp. 119-152), New Brunswick, NJ:
Rutgers University Press, p. 126.
[13] Interestingly, Argument A potentially
supersedes Argument B. This is
because, even if critics show that MZ pairs experience more similar
trait-relevant environments than experienced by DZ pairs, twin researchers
could still argue (and have argued)
that MZ pairs "created" or "elicited" these more similar trait-relevant environments.
[14] Murray, C., (2020),
Human Diversity: The Biology of Gender,
Race, and Class, New York: Twelve, p. 217.
[20] In 1979, psychologists Sandra Scarr and
Louise Carter-Saltzman described the tortuous logic of the "mistaken zygosity" EEA-test method:
"If genetic similarity were the sole determinant of
behavioral likeness, then DZ twins who believe themselves to be MZs will be no
more alike than other DZs, and MZs who mistake themselves for DZs will be no
more different than other MZs. If, however, beliefs about zygosity determine
the extent to which cotwins are behaviorally similar, then DZ twins who believe
they are MZs will be as similar as true MZs. Likewise, MZs who believe they are
DZs will be as different as true DZs."
[22] See also Joseph, J., & Baldwin, S., (2000), Four Editorial Proposals to Improve
Social Sciences Research and Publication, International
Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine, 13, 109-116.
[23] There seems to be no end to far-fetched and even comical "findings" and heritability estimates produced by twin method MZ-DZ
comparisons, which use methods similar to those used in psychiatric twin
research. Among these we find a twin study whose authors concluded in favor of
a genetic basis for choice of news channel, being a "born again Christian," a twin study that found important genetic influences
on tea and coffee
drinking preferences, a twin study that "found relatively high
heritabilities for entrepreneurship," a
twin study that found that "drunk-driving is under
significant genetic influence," a twin study that found genetic influences on "differences in humor
styles," a twin study that found genetic
influences on "loneliness in adults" and another than found that "subjective well-being" (happiness) is moderately heritable, a
twin study that found genetic influences on "problematic masturbatory behavior," twin studies that found that the "belief in God" is substantially heritable, a twin
study that found a substantial genetic component in British election
voting choices, and a twin study of the "frequency of female orgasm."
[24] Charney, E., (2013), Nature and Nurture, [Review of the Book Man Is by Nature a
Political Animal, by P. Hatemi & Rose McDermott (Eds.)], Perspectives on
Politics, 11, 558-561, p. 560.
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